Joseph study
Day 1
Reading- Matthew 1:18-19
(18) Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise:When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. (19) Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily.
- What does someone who is in " right standing" with God ( a righteous person) look like to you?
My best example of people in right standing with God would be my pastor & his wife ( Chris & Christa Griendstead). You can tell everything they do is led by God. Pastor Chris faithfully prays & seeks the vision of God for our church, & Mrs. Christa supports him all the way.
- According to Mathew 1:20 ( But while he thought on these things...) Was Joseph hoping for answers in a seemingly desperate time? What is hope to you?
Yes, I believe Joseph hoped for answers to his & Mary's situation. But even more importantly, I believe Joseph prayed for answers.
To me, hope is a reminder never to give up but to always keep pressing on because God is still in control.
- Have you ever been misunderstood or really had to stand up & suffer for what you believe as Mary & Joseph did?
Yes I've suffered some tough persecution similar to that which Mary & Joseph faced. It really tested my strength to stand up for what I believed in. It was my 2nd grade school year- just weeks after 9/11/01. I placed some patriotic print gospel tracts on my desk & carried a small handful to lunch to offer people each day. One of the lunch monitors grew angry one day, & spoke hatefully to me all day at lunch punishing persecuting & threatening me if she saw the tracts again. When I returned to class after lunch the principal was waiting for me. He said he'd received a complaint that I was carrying & offering bible tracts & told me I couldn't do that anymore. I continue do offer them, but much more subtly. To this day I still struggle with nerves & anxiety when carrying tracts in the open in public.
Please share your thoughts & responses to these questions!
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