Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Event Dates


All-New Circus Spectacular Custom Built For Family Fun
By The Greatest Show On Earth®
Comes To The Bay Area August 15 – September 2, 2013

Check Out Your Local Consultants

I would like to start out by THANKING Everyone, who has asked to be a part of our monthly news letter (blog post). Every month we will try to have up all the great deals for the month for each of our consultants from around tow. We will try to have it up on the first but with not all companies giving a heads up

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Kids Consignment Store

Since we are focusing on our town, and surrounding areas. I felt it was ok to share, I have found a great consignment store in Brentwood it is right off of Balfour. Tummies To Tots here is the exact address 3860 Balfour Rd, Suite ABrentwoodCA. I totally recommend

Monday, June 10, 2013

Hello World and City Of Tracy,

We are starting this blog to talk about all the new things in Town. We are looking for people to write up events, reviews, and anything that you think the City Of Tracy would enjoy. If you are interested please let us know.. THIS IS NOT AN APROVED CITY BLOG. This is just started by the members of Tracy, who are tired of bad service, and not knowing what to do with the kids and families in town.

I hope that you will all take the time to share your thoughts and or things going on around town. If you have things you would like us to promote or talk about please just shoot us a note.

Computer Builder Program For Youth

Just wanted to let you know about a free program here in Tracy. It is theYouth Computer Builder program. Youth between the ages of 10-18 can learn how to build a computer. The class meets on Wednesdays from 4-6 pm at the Larch Comminity center and begins on June 17th.